Our Reading Curriculum
Reading Curriculum Map
Our Reading Spine
At Horbling Brown’s, we believe that every child is a reader and actively encourage children to read and enjoy a wide range of texts. We believe that, through twice weekly dedicated class reading sessions and quality first teaching over and above the use of our RWInc Phonics programme for early readers, we can encourage and inspire emergent and developing readers to see the value in texts; whether for pleasure or to garner information.
We aim to build an inclusive reading community which traverses all year groups by encouraging more experienced or enthusiastic readers to lead others by example though reading cafes.
We believe that reading is a key factor in all areas of the curriculum, and as such, follow research to inform teaching techniques.
The school values of ‘courage’ and ‘hope’ can be seen as drivers for the curriculum as we encourage children to have the courage to strive for excellence and continued improvement in reading, and to give children hope that learning these skills will open doors to exciting creative worlds and opportunities within and out of school.
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