Brown's Explorers - Extended Provision
We are pleased to offer our families the opportunity for full day wrap around provision at our Brown's Explorers.
Breakfast Club begins at 7:45am where the children are provided with a healthy breakfast to start their day. They are cared for in our provision until the start of the school day at 8:40am where they are then taken to meet their class teachers.
Our afterschool club runs two sessions from 3:15pm - 4.30pm and 3.15pm - 5.30pm (5.00pm on a Friday) where the children are provided with a healthy snack.
If you would like to use this facility please contact the school office for a copy of the terms and conditions, once a signed copy is returned to school you will be added to the booking register on Parentmail.
A parent, child and school contract will be provided to you on starting the new term detailing our activities, timetable and behaviour expectations.