Late/Absence Procedures
Punctuality is important!
Children hate being late for school. The school gates open at 8.40am close at 8:50am. From this point, parents will need to accompany their child to the school office and sign them in using the Entrysign system in the main entrance.
The pupil entrance doors will close at 8.50am, so that entry and exit will then be via the school office. If you arrive after 8.50am, a member of school staff will take your child to class to ensure class learning is not disturbed.
We have many support systems in place to enable every child be in school on time.
If your child is absent from school:
- Please phone 01529 240367 on the first day of absence leaving your child’s name, class and reason for absence. This needs to be done every day your child is absent from school.
- Messages may be left on the school’s answer phone, sent via email, scholarpack or delivered in person.
- We record all reported absences so a letter is not required.
- If we have not heard from parents/carers by 9.30am with a reason for absence, we will ring all the contacts we have on file until a reason for absence is confirmed.
- Where there are concerns due to a lack of contact or persistent absence home visits may be carried out.