
Our Curriculum Intent


Our school provides a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges learners, encourages curiosity and inspires lifelong learning. We are active in our efforts to ensure our children are provided with opportunities and means to reach out beyond our community to understand their role as global citizens who have an awareness of wider, global issues.


We ensure that learning is sequenced in a way so children can securely use their prior knowledge and understanding to make links with new areas of learning. Based on strong foundations in phonics, reading, writing and mathematics we develop these skills across the whole curriculum. 


We celebrate our children as individuals and help them to recognise their own successes and talents and how they contribute to the wider ethos of the school. Our curriculum evolves reflecting how well we know our children and our implementation strategies are pertinently tailored to their needs; underpinned by secure foundation of reading, oracy and mathematical fluency. We intend for our curriculum to prepare our children to live successfully in an ever-changing modern society.


If you would like additional information about the school curriculum, please contact in the first instance.

Remote Education 

Should your child be unable to attend school through illness or a family emergency but you wish for them to continue Home Learning, don't hesitate to get in touch with the class teacher and they will advise you on the process.