Please take a look at our long term overview for maths. This sets out our maths plan for the whole year. We use this as a working document which we adapt and change to suit the needs of our children.
Please ask in school for more information about our full curriculum.
Our maths long term overview
Here at Brown’s we recognise that maths is a part of everyday life. We intend to provide a curriculum that caters for all individuals. We aim to develop a balance of fluency, reasoning and problem solving throughout teaching and learning. Believing that all children can be mathematicians, we aim to provide opportunities for children to use mathematics across all areas of our school curriculum. We want our children to become confident, independent learners capable of using maths to help solve real life problems. Throughout the school, we want to see children enjoying maths and develop a sense of excitement around the subject. Fostering an environment of trust within our classrooms encourages discussions between children where they can share their ideas together and not be afraid to make mistakes. In line with our whole school approach to metacognition, we want to develop children’s resilience and ability to problem solve, gaining an understanding of how and why they are learning what they are.
Key Instant Recall Facts. Below are the KIRFS that we have set out for children across school. These are facts we want the children to instantly be able to tell us without the need for resources. Attached is a parent version as to how you can help at home.
Parent KIRFS
Maths Policy
We launched our new and improved curriculum with our maths open morning. We invited parents along to watch our maths lessons and have a workshop all about how we teach maths at school. It was a great morning with some fantastic feedback.
"It's reassuring to see how much thought, effort and dedication has been applied to teaching maths. It has given me confidence the process has been intricately crafted in a cohesive and thorough manner."
"It was really informative, love the spiral learning, you have an amazing set of staff who plan and deliver this."
"It inspires confidence that there is a clear path through school. Really impressed with the level of challenge. The children can deal with failure and not be scared to have a go."
Our maths curriculum open morning

Useful links to support your child in maths.
- TTRockstars - a fantastic times tables tool which can help build you child's fluency and confidence with their times tables.
- NRICH - an incredible website which provides a variety of reasoning and problem solving tasks for your child to really sink their teeth into.